Canon’s Solutions for the Legal Industry

Data security, efficiency, and your client’s satisfaction

Legal Minds Should be Free to Work on Legal Issues
Canon for the Legal Industry

Разбираме дека вашето време е скапоцено и безбедноста на документите е вашиот врвен приоритет. Нашите решенија за управување со печатени и дигитализирани документи поддржуваат сложени барања за администрација и доверливост во која било компанија која работи во правната индустрија, без оглед на големината.

Your Benefits


Cut time on manual tasks

Data security

Limit access to confidential documents

Cost reduction

Fully track the cost of print

Flexible working

Access to documents from mobile devices

Our Solutions for the Legal Industry

Invoice Automation

Automated invoice approval and cashflow control

Contract Management

Streamline management of contracts throughout their lifecycle

Digital Archive

Secure and fast access to archived documents

Digital Mailroom

Effective management of incoming business correspondence

Secure Document Management

Secure access and retrieval from everywhere

Our offer includes consultancy to fit your needs and integration with the existing legal practice management system.

What our clients say

What our clients say:

“I sometimes had to go to the archive and spend a few minutes there at best to locate a particular file and then find the part of the file I was looking for. Now, with Canon Therefore Solution, the whole process takes a few moments.”
Branislav Cvijanovic, Attorneys Cvijanovic

Other customers who trusted us:

The Office of the Notary to Government (Malta)
Notary Burlo’ Fleri Soler (Malta)